First Class of Grad School Complete! Wrap-Up


Today concludes my first class of grad school and whew that went fast!  I learned so much in 8 weeks and I am looking forward to having a brain full of communication knowledge by the time my 2 year program is complete. My class: COMM 601 focused on communication theories and I learned how to apply the transitions and theories to real life situations and experiences. I also learned that an online grad program while intense and a lot of hard work , can be enjoyable as well. Our final project was an Inquiry Paper about using a film as “equipment for living” and since I love movies, I had fun doing my research ( watching one of my favorites) and analyzing the film to different communication theories. It was an entertaining and way to learn. I appreciate all of the new digital media tools I have learned so far (Prezi, Screencast and of course, WordPress) and I will be using these tools for future classes. Not only have the last couple of months been beneficial to my academic journey but I have benefited personally as well. I have learned to manage my time better, discipline myself more, and to stop being such a procrastinator.  It feels good to put my mind to use and exercise my brain while pursuing and accomplishing one of my lifetime goals. I know that once I obtain my Master of Arts in Communication in 2015, the long studious nights and incessant trips to the library will all be worth it.

This class introduced me to a lot of smart and talented people, and I am happy to continue this scholastic adventure with them!

All of my classmates did excellent jobs on their digital presentations and I would like to include a few that I found to be fascinating and intriguing.

Angela Stalcup

Angela’s presentation was informative, inspiring and tear-jerking as she wrote about her mother’s battle with cancer and used the film “The Shawshank Redemption” as “equipment for dying”. I especially liked the visuals in theme of Angela’s presentation and her narration of how you can still have peace even in the most hopeless situations ( e.g prison/cancer) if you have a positive outlook.

Nicole Hunt

Mean Girls as “Equipment for Living”

Nicole analyzed one of my favorite films “Mean Girls” and applied it throughly to the sociocultural tradition. I like how Nicole included photos from the film and shared her own experience as a “mean girl”.

Dawn Parra

Dawn used the movie “Click” as “equipment for living” for people who don’t live in the moment. From her presentation I learned how to enjoy even the mundane tasks of life, and appreciate each moment because we cant fast forward to the future or rewind the past.

I hope you enjoy their presentations as much as I did!

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